Crime in La Costa? Really? Check it out!
Crime rates in Carlsbad and La Costa tend to be pretty low, but in case you are looking at La Costa real estate, homes in Carlsbad–or even in other communities, we have an easy way to check not only crime rates, but types of crimes and where they occurred.
It’s an easy rabbit hole within which to lose yourself, but take a quick trip over to You can enter a zip code or city, create a radius and check out immediate results or have information sent to you. You can also refine your search by types of crime.
But Carlsbad and La Costa are just two small areas. You’ll find crime in La Jolla, Rancho Santa Fe and even quiet Coronado. It’s almost everywhere. To explore you can select all types of crimes and you’ll get an icon on a map showing the nature of the crime. Crimes can range from arson and assault to vehicle break-in/theft, vandalism and weapons charges.
So, if you see something that might have occurred in Carlsbad and you feel you need more information about it, you can reach out to the Carlsbad Police Department and they have kindly offered to take a look and see what they can tell you.
This helpful information came to me via an email from Jodee Reyes:
Jodee (Sasway) Reyes
Community Relations Manager (Public Information and Crime Prevention)
Police Department